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The Romance behind the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal| Sights.Canals

2018-02-01 来源: 86Links

Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I have been living in Jiangsu Province in China since childhood. For the entire 20 years from 1998 to 2018, I can feel the great change in China.
The Romance behind the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal| Sights.Canals

In 1998, most Chinese had never seen mobile phones or computers and they took only old and slow green trains for long journeys. Now in 2018, even primary school kids and retired elders  know how to use mobiles and surf the Internet. Most Chinese travel by  world's first-class high-speed rail, which is very common in China.


However, maybe it's just that things are changing too fast at the moment. The Internet, the high-speed rails and airplanes have replaced the romance in my childhood, the "homesickness" and the purest emotion in the souls of men.


To look for the “homesickness”, the romance and the purest emotion 20 years ago, I decided to go south to Hangzhou. I came to the end of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal - the bank of Gongchen Bridge.


Why here? For Gongchen Bridge witnessed the pledge of "waiting for the one in a lifetime" in those years, when there were no mobiles, computers, airplanes, high-speed rails but only carriages, letters and steamers.

Overlooking Gongchen Bridge


"Gongchen" in "Gongchen Bridge" means "welcome the emperor". The ancient emperors of the Qing Dynasty cruised along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and it was from Gongchen Bridge that they entered Hangzhou. The prosperity of Gongchen Bridge was recorded by Li Wei, the official at the time: many merchants ran their business around Gongchen Bridge, which was really flourishing.


From the beginning of Qing Dynasty to the end of twentieth Century, Gongchen Bridge had been the core symbol for the waterway in Hangzhou to connect to North China, and it was more of a bond connecting the east and west sides of the Hangzhou section of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. It was because of this geographical position richly endowed by nature that Japanese imperialism also chose the east bank of Gongchen Bridge as the Japanese concession by means of the treaty ports established in Hangzhou according to the Treaty of Shimonoseki.


Li Hung-Chang signing the Treaty of Shimonoseki



And the limitless homesickness and pure love behind Gongchen Bridge also became prominent during the Japanese invasion of China. At the time, Gongchen Bridge was the point of departure for people in Hangzhou and even Zhejiang to go northward to Shanghai, Tianjin and Beijing, and also the destination for them to go back home.


Lu Xun, the founder of Chinese modern literature, went northward by water from Gongchen Bridge to Nanjing and Shanghai, to seek knowledge and save the nation; Feng Zikai, the pioneer of Chinese modern comics, bade farewell to his homeland in Gongchen Bridge, escaping from the invasion of Japanese imperialism with his whole family; Yu Boping, one of the pioneers in the creation of free verses in vernacular Chinese, gave up the comfortable waterways of Gongchen Bridge and squeezed into a crowded train in order to meet his wife sooner.


Put aside their great achievements, Lu Xun, Feng Zikai and Yu Boping are only ordinary people among thousands of people in Hangzhou. Their experience of separation, oath and gathering besides Gongchen Bridge was also experienced by countless people in Hangzhou and Zhejiang.


Gongchen Bridge shipping


I stood on the bridge, imagining the construction of Gongchen Bridge in 1631 to the wide application of smart phones in 2007; Gongchen Bridge bonded the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal firmly to the land. Besides the river, there were home and love; upon the river, there were adrift and lonely journeys. The people on both sides of the bridge have experienced long parting, missing and gathering, which are long enough for them to only love one city and wait for one person in a lifetime.


After hundreds of years, Gongchen Bridge still stands above the Grand Canal, witnessing the vicissitudes of history and the prosperity of the world regardless of the changes; Gongchen Bridge connects both sides of the canal and also history, present and future.


Look from the bridge to the two banks of the river and you can find that everything can be concluded in a word of "fast" in terms of the east side of Gongchen Bridge: the government of Gongshu District, Museum of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, canal culture square, grand canal hotel, the second Hospital of Hangzhou, Gongchen Bridge bus terminal...People come and leave, in hustle and bustle.

East side of Gongchen Bridge


The west side of Gongchen Bridge can be concluded with a word "slow", which dates back to the changes hundreds of years ago: Old Happiness Tea House, Morning Breeze Book Store, Shuyu Cafe, Gongchen College in the straight road at the west side of the bridge, white walls and black tiles of Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China; the folk customs and shipping relics are all in a panoramic view.


West side of Gongchen Bridge


It's a total of 98 meters from the east of Gongchen Bridge to the west. The 98 meters are the distance between the modern and the ancient, the fast and the slow, and the concentration of thousands years of culture of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. Therefore, the west street area of Gongchen Bridge and the bridge itself have become sites of claim point of world cultural heritage, and there is no ground for blame.


Look, the bustling east side of Gongchen Bridge and the elegant west side, aren’t they just like the two sides of human nature – extroversion and introversion? Actually, there is no absolute introversion or extroversion, for one who has been outgoing for a long time would desire peace and solitude; and one who has been introverted would definitely want busy streets and crowds of people. This is the besieged city of human nature.  


This is the answer offered by Gongchen Bridge, by the people and things on both sides (east and west) of Gongchen Bridge, and by the water of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal that has been flowing for a thousand year under Gongchen Bridge.


The pictures from this article are retrieved from the internet.








































